IGNORE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK: places where you CAN and CANNOT carry concealed
The iconcealed.com team compiled a list of rules and regulations you should pay attention to if you carry concealed.
*Ignore at your own risk!
There’s a boatload of new laws going into effect each and every day of the week with ramifications that could make a big difference in your life.
Laws are constantly in flux, so it’s best to stay current, especially if you tend to move around much… as in, crossing state lines on a regular basis.
You probably have a pretty good idea of where you can and cannot carry in your home state, but you might want to update your knowledge on those states in-between.

Gun Free Zones
Some areas where you can’t carry are pretty common sense.
Schools fall comfortably into this category.
That said, campus carry is becoming a big issue on a lot of colleges across the country. Stay tuned.
Federal buildings and spaces are also mandated gun free…
… places like this…
… or this…
… or this…
… or this…
… but as long as you stow your gun safely in your checked bag, that’s cool.
State-to-State Concealed Carry Laws
This is going to sound like I’m stating the obvious here but it bears repeating anyway…
Every state has it’s own set of laws. All states (in this regard, at least) are not created equal!
Know the difference or prepare to pay the penalty.
And when in doubt, Google it!
Read the fine print. Make sure the info you’re gleaning is current and accurate.
State Police
State police issue permits in some states, others, no.
Apprise yourself of where this applies.
Peruse your local State Police website for all rules and regulations pertaining to your CCW permit.
County Sheriff
Some states issue CCW permits via the sheriff’s agency. While state laws obviously apply, there will most likely be additional counties and municipalities with supplemental rules and regulations.
And what did we learn, class?

Know the laws of the states that you regularly enter and/or pass through.
Ignorance is not a defense!
The team at iconcealed.com must stress the basic truth that all CCW holders should abide by…
Here it is… if you consider yourself a responsible gun owner, then research is a must!