Every Breath You Take – Breath Control While Shooting
Stating the obvious here but — breathing is important!
But it’s even more important if you find yourself caught up in a real life or death situation where your health depends on hitting what you’re aiming at! Remember, when your life is on the line, your breathing becomes more erratic, making it all the more important to know how to manage it.
Which is why team iconcealed.com is going to shine a light on best breathing practices for shooters.
You’ve probably heard how elite marksmen are able to pull the trigger in-between heartbeats. Definitely cool for experts, but definitely NOT something we recommend you attempt.
Okay, let’s get real…
Breathing is a natural body motion and can help or hinder your aim. I mean, the whole point of breath control is to make sure your sights are on the mark when you pull the trigger, right?
So it logically follows that controlled breathing can make all the difference in accuracy. When you breathe your chest rises and falls. This movement can cause your gun barrel to drift off-target.
Bottom line: breathing at the wrong time may cause you to move at the exact moment you pull the trigger. Not good.
When you’ve run out of options and you have no other choice left but to draw your concealed carry weapon, your heart rate will accelerate. Your breathing will become more rapid and harder to control.
So what do you do when you’re under this kind of pressure?
First off — don’t panic.
Second, practice these 3 easy-to-remember breathing techniques. One of them will definitely be better for you than another, so try them all out to see which one fits you best.
Half exhale/pause – when you’re ready to fire your weapon, take in a deep breath. Exhale about half of the air out of your lungs, pause briefly and pull the trigger. This is known as “respiratory pause” and helps you maintain aim. The pause allows you to hold your barrel and sights in perfect alignment on target as the gun fires.
Half inhale/pause - relax, steady your breathing, inhale. When your lungs are about half full, pause and pull the trigger. The inhale and pause is similar to the exhale and pause option above.
Complete exhale/no pause – steady your breathing, do a full exhale, pause when your lungs are empty and squeeze the trigger. But keep in mind, a pause is not the same as holding your breath. If you do that, your muscles will seize up and your BPM will change and your shot accuracy will be compromised.
Last thing — make sure to always chill and slow down as much as possible so you can steady your breathing. This will reduce body movement that throws you off target. Even better, if you can — step back, deep breathe in, deep breathe out, and then reacquire your target.
Of course, in life or death situations, this last option IS NOT an option.