Mind the Gap – Closing In On Your Target
“Keep Your Friends Close… and Your Enemies Closer”
At iconcealed.com, this well-worn phrase is something we remind ourselves of daily. Here’s why…
A firearm is only as effective as the situation allows it to be. If you are too far from the target, then your shots, no matter how well-placed, will never land. That’s why moving in on your target is one of the best ways to ensure your shots aren’t in vain.
This tactic, however, also makes you more vulnerable to fire coming AT YOU — shots directed at you from your target.
Deciding if and when to draw your weapon is of crucial importance in live-round situations.
Up Close and (Im)personal
Here’s a simple maxim you will most definitely want to heed: sometimes it’s totally in your best interest to build distance and escape any sort of confrontation altogether. Yes, I’ll just come out and say it… RUN FOREST, RUN!
Another good tip is to train yourself to shoot effectively while on the move.
That way, you can increase the odds of subduing your target and decrease the odds of being hit at the same time.
The average man can cover 21 feet of ground in 1.5 seconds.
The average man cannot draw a gun from concealment in under 2 seconds.
The average gunfight is over in 3-5 seconds.
3 to 4 shots are usually fired in the average gunfight.
On average, 1 shot in 4 actually strikes the intended target.
55% of gunfights take place at a distance of 0-5 feet.
20% of gunfights take place at a distance of 5-10 feet.
20% of gunfights take place at a distance of 10-21 feet.
95% of gunfights take place at a distance of 0-21 feet.
So what did we learn?
1 – If at all possible… RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!
2 – If that won’t work, get as close to your intended target as possible without compromising your safety.