Concealed Carry Holder Saves Police Officer After His Gun Jams
Jerry Pendergrass was awarded top honors from law enforcement – the President’s Citizen Award. Jerry is a conceal carry owner who turned citizen cop in a life or death situation. His quick action helped save an officer potentially from getting shot.

“That probably actually happened in ten seconds,” explained Pendergrass. Those ten seconds play over and over again for Pendergrass. His bullet met a man in his backyard, a man who had already fired shots at Officer Sean Kelly, then took off on foot.
“He rounded the corner, drew his weapon at me, I drew my weapon at him,” said Officer Kelly. It was a volatile situation. Then another officer, Andy Zinke found himself face to face – and seemingly alone – with a man who had already tried to kill a cop.
“After I shot this guy I went to re-load and my gun jammed, and I looked down at my gun and I turned and there’s Jerry standing there with his gun. It bought me that second,” said Officer Zinke. That second was all it took for the armed suspect to draw his weapon again and point it right at Zinke.
But Jerry Pendergrass’ gun was not jammed.
“That guy looked directly at me and I was telling him hey stop — you can live. It doesn’t have to end here,” Pendergrass yelled. “He looked at me, looked at his gun and I said, no – don’t look at the gun. With me saying that, Zinke was able to bring his attention back and it was at the same time that he brought his attention back that the man reached for the gun and we both shot him.”
Said Officer Zinke: “Not a lot of people would do something like that, but what Jerry did on his own, the bravery that he showed, it was something pretty remarkable that day and I was blessed to have him over there.”
Source: www.ky3.com