Concealed Carry Holder Saves Child From Kidnapper
Once again, iconcealed.com salutes the crime-stopping heroics of another Concealed Carry Hero.
“We heard this real loud noise outside,” said Justin Pearson, 36 of Las Vegas, Nevada. “I opened up the door, and this big BMW goes flying by — 60 mph in a 25 mph zone. I dialed 911 immediately.”
A concealed-carry weapons permit holder, Pearson was asked by the 911 operator to get the license plate number of the BMW, so Pearson slipped his pistol hip holster on and headed down the street to get it.
“He had lost control of the car and almost slammed into a house at the end of the street,” Pearson said.
The BMW did a 180 and and screeched to a halt in front of a neighbor’s yard where a 6-year-old boy was standing. And that’s when all hell broke loose!
“The driver grabs this young child and starts stuffing him in the car,” recalls Pearson who couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“‘Holy crap! He just took a child, and he’s trying to stuff him into the car!’” Pearson screamed at the 9-11 operator.
The kidnapper was a scary-big 250 pound behemoth. Another reason for Pearson — a tall, skinny guy — felt he had to confront this crisis with his concealed carry weapon at close hand.
“He was a very big dude, and I’m not a menacing person by any means,” Pearson said. “I don’t think I could have physically stopped the guy. It would have been super ugly if it was just me versus him.”
Good thing Pearson was packing a legal Heckler & Koch VP9 pistol — that made all the difference!
“I carry a concealed firearm everywhere I go,” Pearson revealed. “I lifted up my shirt and put my hand on my gun.”
“‘Hey, stop!’ I said, real loud. He turned and looked at me. There was just enough of a delay for the kid to get out of the car. I know he saw the firearm.”
Having that weapon enabled Pearson to instantly put an end to the kidnapping threat, especially since it took the police 17 more minutes to get there.
With the boy out of the car and an armed, concealed carry hero in his face, the perpetrator leapt back in his BMW and zoomed off before things escalated to deadly levels.
“If I didn’t have a firearm, I don’t think there’s much I could have done,” Pearson said.
A Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman confirmed many of the details in Pearson’s account.
Turns out the would-be kidnapper was the boy’s biological father and didn’t have parental rights or permission to take the child.
This isn’t the first time Pearson has used a legal concealed carry firearm to stop a crime and we at iconcealed.com hope it won’t be the last!