Carrying While Drunk – JUST SAY NO!
Carrying concealed while drinking… and carrying concealed while intoxicated… are two VERY different things, met with two very different responses by law enforcement, depending on what state you’re in at the time.
That said, why risk it?
At iconcealed.com, we feel it’s best to never mix the two. Here’s why:
Because It’s The Law
Most states have laws against carrying any sort of weapon while drunk.
Take Michigan for instance…
……where carrying a gun while having a BAC of .o2 or above will lead to having your weapon confiscated. If you’re around 200 pounds, you’ll hit .o2 after having 2 drinks in 1 hour.
Because Your Judgment Will Suck
When you’ve had a few drinks, stuff you normally never do will suddenly seem like a perfectly good idea. Like getting into stupid, unprovoked fights or getting upset over the slightest slight or generally acting like an A-hole.
Now add a gun to the mix and you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster.
Also when your judgment is impaired, you’re more likely to tell someone you have a gun when normally you’d keep your trap shut. Talking about your gun could come off as bragging and lead to an argument or fight.
Because You Have A Good Chance Of Getting Pulled Over
Traffic stops become exponentially higher when you’re hammered. If you get behind the wheel of a car after having a few drinks, you will most likely be driving erratically.
If that happens, prepare to be in a world of hurt. Not only will you lose driving privileges, you’ll also lose your gun.
Each state defines “intoxicated” in their own way so they can use it at their own discretion. Don’t give them an excuse to use it against you and take your gun away in the process.
Because You Could Lose or Drop Your Gun
Being drunk means you forget stuff. Your brain is addled.
Imagine losing a lethal weapon. How would you feel if you were responsible for a kid finding it and hurting someone else or self-inflicting a gunshot?
How would you feel if you lost your gun and a criminal found it and killed someone? You definitely do not want to know how either of those situations will play out on your psyche.
Plus, if you unholster your weapon while drunk, your control will be all out of whack. Your weapon could easily slip out of your hand and hit the floor (and potentially discharge accidentally).
Or worse. You could have your weapon TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU AND USED AGAINST YOU.
And then the meaning of the term “worse case scenario” would suddenly become oh so crystal clear.
Because You Will “Print”
When your judgment is clouded due to drink, you’re less aware of your body language and your gun might be showing under your clothes.
Bottom line, guns and booze are a BAD combination!