Body Language Speaks Volumes When Carrying Concealed
Team iconcealed.com knows that carrying concealed involves a lot more than simply slipping a gun in a holster, slapping it on your hip, and jerking your shirt down to (try to) hide it.
All kinds of things can act as dead giveaways, causing “printing” and attracting unwanted attention.
Here’s a few helpful tips to aid concealment while you go about your business:
Eventually we all have to sit down. Take a load off, so to speak.
The problem (especially when you’re carrying concealed), is the next part.
You know, the part where you have to stand back up. That’s when weapons inadvertently get revealed.
To counter this, gently tug at your midriff area as you stand.
Do it all in one, fluid motion and no one will be the wiser. And as you stand, ease down your shirt hem whilst simultaneously smoothing it downward to keep it completely gun-bump free.
Another useful concealed carry technique is learning to squat instead of bending over.
Most people wear their weapon somewhere between the small of their back and their hip … spots that are designated by the corresponding clock positions or hours on a clock face. The small of the back is 6 o’clock, the hip is 3 o’clock. The 5 – 3 o’clock areas are the most popular concealed carry positions.
Okay, so what happens if you bend over to pick something up? Your shirt creeps up and ta-da!
Everyone knows you’re carrying. Not good. Especially in a public setting. Someone gets nervous, dials 9-1-1, and unleashes holy hell upon your tranquil little world.
There’s an easy fix, a simple way to keep your shirt from lifting up-slash-keep the hellions at bay.
Simply squat or kneel down when retrieving stuff from ground level rather than bending over.
Remember back in the day when your mom would bug you about maintaining good posture?
Well, all your efforts to please her are about to pay off.
When you sit, don’t slouch. If you do, your waistband will shift and the gun grip might tilt backwards.
Which, of course, could cause your pistol to be visible or possibly even fall out of the holster! Yikes!
Sit ramrod straight, as if you’re perched on a stool.
Good posture lessens the overall effect that sitting has on your carry position and leads to what we like to call INCONSPICUOUS CONCEAL.