7 Super-Seriously Good Reasons to Carry Concealed
Carrying concealed is a big responsibility and a big privilege.
But you already knew that.
For those who DIDN’T, here are 7 good reasons why you should get a concealed carry permit.
- Because the Constitution Says So. The 2nd amendment? Of the United States? Ring a bell?If not, here’s a little reminder: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
- Self Preservation. The world gets more and more dangerous by the minute. Violent crimes are on the upswing and can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Usually when we least expect it. Which sucks.According to criminologist Gary Kleck, PhD, assault victims who used a gun to resist were less likely to be attacked or injured than those who used any other method of self-protection, i.e. running for your life.A study published in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology found that when someone draws a concealed weapon in self-defense, the criminal retreats 55.5 percent of the time.We like those odds.
- Protecting Loved Ones and Feeling Awesome Doing It. Doesn’t it feel great knowing that if a dangerous situation ever happens, you can protect those you care about most? Don’t lie, of course it does!
- Protecting Strangers In Need. There are countless examples of bad guys being stopped by someone carrying a firearm. Armed citizens are sometimes the only thing standing between life and the other thing.
- Pop Quiz – Which is Better? Having a gun and not needing it, or needing a gun and not having it? If you took longer than a nanosecond to answer, you get an ‘F’. As with insurance, you hope you never need it, but when disaster strikes, you’re prepared.Oh and, American Police Beat reports that the average response time for a 9-1-1 call is 10 minutes. When every second counts, the police may not be fast enough. Carrying concealed could save your life. Literally.
- Your Loved Ones Will Stop Worrying So Much. You’re a big girl/boy. You like to travel. You like to stay out late. You like to party. All well and good… for you… but what about your worried sick loved ones?If you carry concealed, you can rest a little easier knowing that having a gun gives them peace of mind.
- Gun Safety & Self-Defense. If you’re even considering applying for a permit, gun training is part of the package. You’ll learn the right way to do things and the wrong way, everything you ever wanted to know about handling a gun responsibly plus self-defense techniques. And a great place to start is iconcealed.com. Okay, we admit it. We’re biased, but regardless, the iconcealed.com crew still would strongly encourage every American to consider taking advantage of this potentially life-saving opportunity!!!