5 Best Hiding Places to Stash A Gun
Team iconcealed.com knows that personal defense starts with EASY ACCESS to your firearm.
Whether strapped to your hip…
… or stashed under a pile of laundry…
… GETTING TO YOUR GUN WHEN YOU NEED IT is where the proverbial rubber meets the road!
Here’s our top 5 list of favorite firearm stash sites:
[WARNING: if you have kids at home, be extra sensitive to the potential ramifications of each]1 – BEDSIDE MANNER
If you’re at home and need to respond to a burglar or home invasion scenario, nine times out of ten you’ll be in bed, flat on your back, half-asleep. That’s when a bed frame holster really comes in handy.
The better ones slip nicely between mattress and box spring and stay put. Adjustable holster straps plus elastic pouches for mags or a small flashlight complete this highly recommended readiness ensemble.
Remember that amazing deleted scene in BLADE RUNNER (the original, not the crappy new one) where Deckard and Gaff search Leon’s (Brion James) apartment? After the two Blade Runner’s leave, it’s revealed that Leon had been hanging from the bathroom ceiling the whole time!
Genius hiding place!
Hang your gun upside down from a hook over the door right inside a closet. A burglar might go through your clothes and other closet stuff, but THEY WON’T LOOK STRAIGHT UP!
A burglar will be too busy ransacking dresser drawers, closets and the like to bother with what — at first glance, at least — appears to be nothing more than an innocuous pile of dirty laundry.
We recommend putting socks or underwear or anything remotely grimy-looking right ON TOP of the pile to really dissuade bad guys from being tempted to look through your nest of nasties!
And if, like me, you’re a bit of a germaphobe — you might even want to think about first stashing your handgun inside a plastic bag before burying it beneath a grubby pile! Highly recommended!
4 – D.W.C.
If you’re D.W.C. — Driving While Carrying — reaching your handgun without LOOKING LIKE you’re reaching for your handgun is key!
Obviously, glove compartments are totally out! Armrests aren’t much better.
Instead, an effective alternative involves using your seat cover as camouflage.
Split the seam on the rear of the passenger’s seat cover (nearest to the driver), insert a compact holster/handgun combo, and voila!
Carjacker’s beware!
Okay, I admit it. I love plants and have an assortment of greenery spread throughout my house.
Here’s the thing about plants. They make great decorative touches, they’re great for the environment, and (ok, I admit it) they’re nice to talk to (they don’t talk back!).
And on top of all that — they’re perfect for stashing a handgun in plain sight, especially since they offer the benefit of built-in camouflage!
So there you have it — our favorite places to conceal firearms at home or on the road!